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从旅游及地域系统复杂性的角度探讨河流旅游的概念及其内涵。首先从厘清缘起出发,分析其中的3个传统——审美与寄情的传统、人文主义与后工业化的传统,以及朝觐的传统——及其对当今研究的意义。从本体论的角度,按照旅游主体对河流本体的利用形式及程度,构建了从完全亲近、部分亲近、部分疏离、到完全疏离4个维度的连续概念;从河流客体本身所受的人工干预程度,亦构建起从无干预、弱干预、强干预到完全干预4个维度的连续概念,在此基础上将二者叠合,诠释河流旅游内涵。在此概念体系中,提出在后现代/后工业化的语境下,建立基于主观体验和地域系统耦合的研究体系,旨在探寻基于不同体验类型的河流旅游主体参与方式、分析河流旅游地系统发展演化的“过程-结构-机制”、关注游憩娱乐功能主导下河流利用方式转变及其影响、关注游憩活动在流域综合发展中的地位,并结合系统研究与传统区域研究明确方法论与技术手段。 Discussion on the Concept and Connotation of River Tourism from the Perspective of Tourism and Regional System Complexity. First of all, it clarifies the origin of the three traditions - the tradition of aesthetics and empathy, the tradition of humanism and post-industrialization, and the tradition of pilgrimage - and its significance to contemporary research. From the perspective of ontology, in accordance with the form and degree of the main body of river use by tourists, a continuous concept of four dimensions: complete intimacy, partial intimacy, partial alienation, and complete alienation is constructed; from the degree of human intervention , Also built a continuous concept of four dimensions from no intervention, weak intervention, strong intervention to complete intervention, on the basis of which the two overlap, interpretation of river tourism connotation. In this conceptual system, we propose to establish a research system based on the subjective experience and the coupling of geographical systems in the context of post-modern / post-industrialization in order to explore the participatory approach of river-based tourism participants based on different types of experiences and to analyze the systematic development of river tourist destinations Evolution, process-structure-mechanism ", pay attention to the change of the utilization pattern of rivers and its influence under the function of recreation and amusement, pay attention to the status of recreation activities in the comprehensive development of the river basin, and combine the systematic research with the traditional regional studies to clarify the methodology and technical means .
以甲醇为原料,氧化铝为催化剂,对甲醇气相催化脱水制气雾剂级高纯二甲醚的工艺条件进行了试验研究。结果表明,当反应温度为280 ̄330℃,反应压力为0.8MPa时,甲醇转化经为60% ̄70%,二甲醚选择达99%,二甲醚质量分
蔡重直一直是个先锋人物。他是五道口学生时 ,就曾因在第二届金融年会上提出建立中国金融市场 ,而使合肥会议被认为中国金融改革的发端。随后的20多年中 ,他又“不经意间”地
当下,暑期出游高峰正式来临。在今天“自由旅行”成为主流的年代,人们已经开始私人定制自己的出行计划了。如何在“暑期模式”中也能便捷地出行呢?选择省钱又方便的公共交通不失为一种选择。  随着“互联网 ”与交通运输行业的深度融合,“智能出行”“智慧交通”逐渐成为现实,但是等候时间长、班次少等问题依旧困扰着很多以公交作为主要出行方式的人群,如何才能使游客在炎炎夏日感受到智能公交带来的“清凉一夏”成为产业界