Objective: To prepare and purify mouse melanin lectin (MMA). METHODS: Mouse melanoma lectin (MMA) was purified from mouse B16 melanoma using affinity chromatography and gel filtration bridges. RESULTS: The lectin prepared by the affinity layer material showed a main protein band with a molecular weight of 12.4 kD and two trace protein bands with molecular weights of 35 kD and 67 kD by SDS-PAGE. The molecular weight was found by gel filtration chromatography. The 26kD main peak and two small peaks with molecular weights of 35kD and 67kD. The protein component of 26 kD showed a uniform protein band by SDS-PAGE and isoelectric focusing. The 26 kD protein component specifically recognizes the poly(glycosyl) lactate sugar chain, and the activity is dependent on the thiol group rather than the calcium ion. Conclusion: The component of 26kD is MMA. MMA with homogeneous composition can be obtained by affinity chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. MMA is S-type lectin.