铝、铝合金手工氩弧焊技术讲座 第二讲 铝、铝合金的钨极手工氩弧焊

来源 :冶金建筑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mengyidaocaoren
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1.氲弧焊的优越性氩弧焊是比较先进的焊接方法之一,特别适用于有色金属等的焊接。采用这种方法时,电弧在钨极的末端和工件之间的氩气流中燃烧(图1)。氩气以严密的层流从喷嘴中喷出,保护熔池、钨极和填充焊丝的末端,使之不与空气接触。用钨极与工件之间产生的电弧热熔化工件和焊丝,冷却后联成 1. Advantages of Xenon arc welding. Argon arc welding is one of the more advanced welding methods and is particularly suitable for welding of non-ferrous metals. With this method, the arc burns in the argon stream between the end of the tungsten electrode and the workpiece (Figure 1). Argon gas is ejected from the nozzle in a tight laminar flow, protecting the end of the bath, tungsten electrode, and filler wire from contact with air. Uses the arc heat generated between the tungsten pole and the workpiece to melt the workpiece and the welding wire, after cooling