将图解原理与解析手段有机地结合起来,给出了一种同时按行程速比系数K 和许用压力角[α] 设计平面曲柄滑块机构的解析法。该方法可解决根据机构的结构条件预先确定偏距、曲柄或连杆三者长度尺寸之一,以及根据机构的传动质量要求预先确定许用压力角[α] 的设计问题。
By combining the graphic principle with the analytic method, an analytic method is proposed to design a planar crank-slider mechanism according to the coefficient of travel ratio K and the allowable pressure angle [α]. The method solves the design problem of predetermining the offset distance, the length of the crankshaft or the connecting rod according to the structural conditions of the mechanism, and predetermining a design allowable pressure angle [α] according to the transmission quality of the mechanism.