1 概念及两种写作语境90年代文学创作的一个突出特征就是书写者从公共角色、集体代言人的身份里疏离开来。这种疏离与“个人写作”的提出是有着内在关联的。但由于术语的滥用及“个人”一词在当下语境的模糊性 ,评论界对究竟什么是“个人写作”这一简单问题变得莫衷一是 ,并进
1 CONCEPT AND TWO WRITING CONTEXTs One of the prominent features of the 1990s literature creation is that writers alienated themselves from public roles and collective spokespersons. This alienation is intrinsically linked to the proposition of “personal writing.” However, due to the misuse of terms and the vagueness of the term “individual” in the current context, the critics have become totally different from the simple question of what constitutes “personal writing”