紧接着因特网之风方兴未艾,另一股风暴正在横扫信息产业界,这就是旋风机(Cell Phone),入网的无线电话是也。 当前,先是欧洲,紧跟着美国和日本的无线电话巨子们,都已行动起来,并与软件公司结合,进行研发。其主题是:全球无线电话接入因特网。为此,要开发新的操作系统以及有关配套软件和硬件。预计在几年之内,接入因特网“旋风机”的数目将远远超过入网PC机。原因很简单、很有用,费用低廉。 现在已经有ISP商提供24小时免费上网服务,管理不善、收费偏高的ISP商面临严重的挑战。给人的第一印象是能招揽顾客,其实此举的基础是社会有需求,而且势必影响人群的生活方式。例如,走近快餐店的人会听到旋风机的呼叫,提醒他去就餐;收到股市行情表,可以是有选择的股票行情,也可以是某些股票预先设定的
Immediately following the Internet in the ascendant, another storm is sweeping the information industry, which is the Cyclone (Cell Phone), access to the wireless phone is also. At present, Europe, followed by the wireless phone giants in the United States and Japan, have all taken actions and combined with software companies to carry out research and development. Its theme is: Global wireless phone access to the Internet. To this end, to develop a new operating system and related software and hardware. It is estimated that in a few years, the number of access to the Internet “cyclone” will far exceed the number of PCs entering the network. The reason is simple, very useful, low cost. ISPs now have 24-hour free Internet access, poor management, high ISP charges face serious challenges. Give the first impression is to attract customers, in fact, the move is based on the needs of society, but also bound to affect people’s way of life. For example, a person approaching a fast food restaurant may hear a whirlwind call, reminding him to eat; receiving a stock quotation table, which may be a selective stock quote or a predetermined stock of some stock