做蝗虫整个生活史标本要有蝗虫的卵。而蝗虫把卵产在土里 ,很不好采集。用下面的方法可以很容易地得到蝗虫的卵。 9月中旬左右 ,正是蝗虫产卵的季节 ,捉到雌蝗虫 ,揪下头部并带出内脏 ,然后用手由尾部往前一推 ,成熟的卵就被挤了出来 ,把卵直接放在做标本的位置。蝗虫卵的保存
To do the entire life history of locust specimens have locust eggs. The locust eggs in the soil, it is not good acquisition. Locust eggs can be easily obtained by the following method. About mid-September, it is the locust spawning season, caught the female locusts, pulling the head and out of the internal organs, and then by hand to push forward from the tail, the mature egg was squeezed out, the eggs directly The location of the specimen. Locust egg preservation