尉健行在全国有形建筑市场建设工作座谈会上强调——加大工作力度 推进有形建筑市场建设

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全国有形建筑市场建设座谈会8月19日至20日在北京召开.中共中央政治局常委、中央纪委书记尉健行在座谈会上发表重要讲话.据介绍,截至目前,全国335个地级以上城市,已经有284个建立了有形建筑市场,上半年实行招标的工程占应招标工程的97.83%,其中公开招标的工程占应招标工程的48.17%,工程交易活动中以权谋私、违法违纪案件的发案率呈下降趋势.尉健行同志充分肯定了全国有形建筑市场建设工作的成绩,同时,要求进一步推动这项工作的深入开展,使有形建筑市场尽快走上信息公开化、交易公平化、行为规范化、管理制度化的轨道.尉健行指出,加强有形建筑市场建设,符合建立社会主义市场经济体制的特点,是促进改革、发展和稳定的需要,符合当前我国建筑市场实际,是建立公开、公正、平等竞争机制的需要,符合中央关于反腐败斗争的指导思想,是从源头上预防和治理腐败的需要,必须进一步提高各级领导对加强有形建筑市场建设重要性的认识,以对党、对人民高度负责的态度,自觉做好这项工作. The national symposium on the construction of the physical construction market was held in Beijing from August 19 to 20. The standing member of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee and Wei Jianxing, secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, delivered an important speech at the symposium. According to reports, up to now, 335 prefecture- , 284 established physical construction markets. In the first half of the year, tenders for bidding projects accounted for 97.83% of the bidding projects, of which public bidding accounted for 48.17% of the bidding projects, cases of abusing power for personal gains and violating law and discipline in the trading activities of projects Rate showed a downward trend Wei Comrade Wei fully affirmed the construction work of the physical construction market results, at the same time, demanded further promotion of this work carried out in depth so that the physical construction market as soon as possible onto the open information, fair trade, behavior standardization, Management system of the system.Wei pointed out that strengthening the construction of the physical market is in line with the establishment of a socialist market economic system characterized by the need to promote reform, development and stability, in line with the current reality of China’s construction market, and is to establish an open, fair and equal The need for a competitive mechanism accords with the guiding ideology of the Central Government on fighting corruption and is from the source To prevent and control corruption, we must further raise the awareness of leaders at all levels of the importance of building a tangible construction market and take this as our responsibility to be highly responsible to the party and to the people.
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