Blocking Effect and Moments of Inertia of K=1/2 Rotational Band in ~(171)Yb

来源 :Communications in Theoretical Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ALIMHL
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The K=1/2 rotational band in ~(171)Yb is investigated using the particle number conserving (PNC) methodfor treating the cranked shell model with monopole and quadrupole pairing interactions.The experimental moments ofinertia of ~(171)Yb [521]1/2 (signature α=±1/2) are reproduced well by the PNC calculation,in which no free parameteris involved.The difference in the contribution to the moment of inertia between protons and neutrons is mainly due tothe blocking effect of neutron normal orbitals.The ω variation of the occupation probability of each cranked orbital andthe contribution to the moment of inertia from each major shell and from each cranked orbitM are investigated. The K = 1/2 rotational band in ~ (171) Yb is investigated using the particle number conserving (PNC) method for treating the cranked shell model with monopole and quadrupole pairing interactions. The experimental moments of intrinsic (171) Yb [521] 1/2 (signature α = ± 1/2) are reproduced well by the PNC calculation, in which no free parameteris involved. Difference in the contribution to the moment of inertia between protons and neutrons is mainly due tothe blocking effect of neutron normal orbitals.The ω variation of the occupation probability of each cranked orbital and the contribution to the moment of inertia from each major shell and from each cranked orbitM are investigated.
球星小档案内马尔外文名:Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior国籍:巴西出生日期:1992年2月5日身高:174厘米体重:65千克所属运动队:巴西国家队、巴塞罗那俱乐部专业特点:技术华丽
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