An Experimental Study on the Effect of Reading-based Lexical Approach on Cloze Test Performance

来源 :中国校外教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w_wallace
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It is proposed by previous researches that lexical chunks are the minimum units of language input,storage and output,which possess both lexical and grammatical character,they can be taught and retrieved as a whole to improve language comprehension and production.Lexical approach is about how lexical chunks should be applied to language teaching,and has provided a new perspective for English learning and teaching in senior high school.Cloze test,recognized by western researchers of testing as being able to measure learners’comprehensive language performance,is also a language task very daunting for learners to tackle.Therefore,this study attempts to apply lexical approach to English reading teaching and observe if students’cloze performance can be enhanced and their vocabulary learning strategies be positively enriched.The results show that they have acquired chunking strategiesin their language learning and their cloze performance has been positivelyinfluenced by their retrieving of multi-word prefabricated chunks. It is proposed by previous researches that lexical chunks are the minimum units of language input, storage and output, which have both lexical and grammatical character, they can be taught and retrieved as a whole to improve language comprehension and production. Lexical approach is about how how lexical chunks should be applied to language teaching, and has provided a new perspective for English learning and teaching in senior high school. Cloze test, recognized by western researchers of testing as being able to measure learners’ comnsive political performance, is also a language task very daunting for learners to tackle.Therefore, this study attempts to apply lexical approach to English reading teaching and observe if students’ cloze performance can be enhanced and their vocabulary learning strategies be positively enriched. The results show that they have acquired chunking strategiesin their language learning and their cloze performance has been positively inflated by their retrieving of mu lti-word prefabricated chunks.
摘 要《浮士德》是一部充满了智慧的小说,流传百年魅力仍然不减,可以充分感受到《浮士德》中的经典内容和人生哲学。通过对《浮士德》的深层次剖析和感悟,其中揭露了人性的复杂和丑陋,相互交叉对当时的社会现状进行了细致的刻画。而在作者创作《浮士德》时,主要赋予浮士德内心两种精神品质,一种是执着于尘世的同时,沉迷于爱欲中;另一种则是想要超凡脱俗,脱离于尘世的喧嚣,获得精神上的升华。小说中充满了哲学思想,歌德的