从一个英国殖民统治地区遇渡为中华人民共和国的一个特别行政区是一个振奋人心的时期。行政长官办公室正争分夺秒为香港特别行政区做好准备,目标之一是努力避免法律方面出现漏洞。目前,香港市内最热门的话题是“公民自由与社会秩序咨询文件”(Consultation Paper forCivil Liberties and Social Order)。该咨询文件与修改同《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》密切相关的雨个条例的建义有关,但是它引起了《国际人权公约》如何在香港本地应用实施这个令人关注的话题,因为在我们进入一个新时代之后,这将是非常重要的。
The transition from a British colonial area to a special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China is an exciting period. The Chief Executive’s Office is racing against time to prepare for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. One of the objectives is to work hard to avoid legal loopholes. Currently, the hottest topic in Hong Kong is the “Consultation Paper for Civil Liberties and Social Order.” The Consultation Paper relates to the revision of the Rain Ordinance, which is closely related to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, but it raises the question of how the application of the International Covenants on Human Rights in Hong Kong, on a local basis, It will be very important for us to enter a new era.