
来源 :中国动物检疫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A251321741
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为了解武汉市犬瘟热的流行情况,以华中农业大学动物医院的临床病例为研究对象,应用胶体金试纸条和RT-PCR检测技术,调查了2015年9月至2016年10月间的门诊犬瘟热病例情况。本次调查共对2 967只门诊犬进行了犬瘟热检测,其中检出阳性143只,阳性检出率为4.8%。从时间分布看,该期间大部分月份的犬瘟热检出阳性率在4%~5%之间,但在气温变化大的10月份较高,约为9%。从群间分布看,耐寒的金毛、萨摩耶、哈士奇、阿拉斯加犬以及耐热惧寒的贵宾犬的阳性比例较高,总占比为54.5%;雄性犬阳性数量明显高于雌性犬;发病犬的年龄分布和犬瘟热的流行特点基本一致,以2~4月龄为主。调查发现,疫苗免疫可明显降低犬瘟热的发病率和患病犬体内的病毒含量。本研究结果在一定程度上反映了该病在武汉市的流行特点,并为该病的防治提供了重要的参考资料。 In order to understand the prevalence of distemper in Wuhan, taking the clinical cases of Animal Husbandry Hospital of Huazhong Agricultural University as the research object, colloidal gold test strips and RT-PCR detection techniques were used to investigate the prevalence of distemper between May 2015 and October 2016 Out-patient dog distemper cases. A total of 2 967 out-patient dogs were tested for canine distemper in this survey, of which 143 were positive and the positive rate was 4.8%. In terms of time distribution, the positive rate of canine distemper was mostly between 4% and 5% in most of the months during this period, but it was higher at about 9% in October with a large temperature change. From the perspective of population distribution, the positive rate of hardy Golden Retriever, Samoyed, Siberian Husky, Alaskan dogs and heat-resistant and cold-winded Poodles were high, accounting for 54.5% of the total; the number of male dogs was significantly higher than that of female dogs; The age distribution and the prevalence of distemper basically the same, with 2 to 4 months of age. The survey found that vaccine immunization can significantly reduce the incidence of distemper and the virus content of sick dogs. The results of this study to a certain extent, reflect the epidemic characteristics of the disease in Wuhan City, and provide an important reference for the prevention and treatment of the disease.
<正> 据苏联报道,目前世界非织造织物几种生产方法的最高速度为:缝编法2米/分,针刺法3米/分,粘合法15米/分,造纸法150米/分。 所有纺织和人造毛皮生产中的长度在2~10毫米的下