【出 处】
随着时代的发展, 我国各行各业均呈现出新的发展趋势,制造企业尤为突出, 新常态下制造企业面临的发展及挑战增多, 为了顺应时代发展,制造企业应把握新常态下市场竞争特点, 对
近几年来,常有大批牲畜发生不明原因的急死症,给群众带来了极大的经济损失,经过几年的化验、分析以及排放解毒药治疗,此病属于有机氟(氟乙酰胺、氟乙酸钠和甘氟)中毒。 现在
We recently encountered two patients with pulmonary Mycobacterium kansasii disease showing a solitary nodule. The patients were 53 and 66 years old and both wer
肠套叠偶发于哺乳仔猪和刚断乳的仔猪,老母猪的肠套叠极为罕见。临床上曾遇见2头老母猪同时发生肠套叠,1例死亡,1例经手术治疗获愈,现介绍如下。 发病情况 辉县市魏小庄李某
Increasing Detection and Confirmation of Tuberculosis in Children in Southern Ethiopia: Pooled Sampl
Background: Childhood tuberculosis accounts for about 10% of estimated TB cases in the world. Despite advances in diagnostics, childhood TB remains a challenge.
Anti-Aging Efficacy of a New Alendronate-Pravastatin Cosmetic Combination: A Randomized Double Blind
Progeria is a rare genetic disease that causes accelerated aging and death in children at a mean age of 13.5 years. An?aminobisphosphonate-statin combination ha
Abnormal regulation of apoptosis is an important aspect of tumour development. Capsaicin, an extract of red chilli peppers, has been shown to inhibit growth of
Implementation of the Active TB Case Finding in Nigeria;Processes, Lessons Learnt and Recommendation
Introduction: Tuberculosis remains a major public health issue in Nigeria with the country ranking seventh among the 30 high TB burden countries. Nigeria is amo
Introduction: The rate of latent tuberculosis infections (LTBIs) in health care workers (HCWs) is higher than that in non-HCWs. We studied to investigate the pr