专科医师规范化培训是培养能够独立、规范地从事疾病专科诊疗工作临床医师的必经途径。为更好地与国际接轨,建立可复制、可推广的专科医师规范化培训体系积累经验的目标,北京大学医学部自2014年起开展了专科医师规范化培训试点工作。本文详细阐述了构建专科医师规范化培训体系的情况,包括明确专科医师内涵和培训目标、完善专科设置,建立健全准入和考核体系、做好政策衔接等。在培训试行中,以“稳中求进、分步实施”为指导思想,以需求和胜任力为导向,注重顶层设计,制定了与职称晋升和学位有序衔接的政策,实现“住专一体化”管理。截至2019年底,北京大学医学部专科医师规范化培训共设有48个专科,明确了培训标准、考核方案、基地标准和基地容量计算方案,实现“四考合一”,专科医师规范化培训体系和考核体系基本建立,基本实现了专科医师规范化培训试点目标。“,”It is a necessary way for fostering independent specialist through standardized fellowship training. To pursue the goal of building up a nationwide reproducible and replicable standardized fellowship training system align with international standards, a pilot standardized fellowship training project has been launched in Peking University Health Science Center since 2014.The implement details were elaborated in this article, including defining mission and goals of fellowship training, improving specialty organization, optimizing evaluation and assessment, adjusting and linking up policies. The project has been progressing smoothly under the guiding strategy of “first try, seeking progress in stability, step by step” and following needs based, competency based, top level design principle to make promotion and academic degree collaboration policies, in the same management system with residency training programs. Totally 48 specialties have been covered with standardized curriculum, assessment criteria, program schedule, and the capacity formula. Four examinations were integrated into one. Standardized fellowship training system has been built up.