吸烟不仅可引起肺癌,导致冠心病,而且还可影响男性生育能力。近年来的研究证实,吸烟可以干扰下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴的功能,降低精液质量,导致少精子症和弱精子症,甚至还可诱发精索静脉曲张,影响生育力,是男性不育的主要因素之一。一、吸烟对男子生育力的影响1.吸烟影响精子计数、活力和形态:1969年Schirren 与 Gey 发现,与不吸烟者相比。吸烟者精子致量异常者多1.2倍。精子活力异常者多1倍。后来更多的研究者进一步证实,吸烟不仅导致精子计数、活力下降,而且也影响精子形态(见附表)。
Smoking can not only cause lung cancer, leading to coronary heart disease, but also affect male fertility. In recent years, studies have confirmed that smoking can interfere with the hypothalamus - pituitary - gonadal axis function, reduce semen quality, resulting in oligospermia and asthenospermia, can even induce varicocele, affect fertility, male infertility One of the main factors. First, the impact of smoking on the fertility of men 1. Smoking affects sperm count, vitality and morphology: Schirren and Gey found in 1969, compared with non-smokers. Smoker sperm abnormalities were more than 1.2 times. Sperm abnormalities were more than 1 times. More researchers later confirmed that smoking not only led to sperm count, decreased vitality, but also affect the sperm morphology (see table).