中东地区是世界上最大的军火销售市场.从1973年到1984年间,军火商们在世界范围内共出售了价值4,041亿美元的军事装备,其中1,443亿是卖给16个中东国家的.这一数字来自美国军备控制与裁军署(ACDA)最近一期的报告. ACDA报告中所说的中东,是指东起伊朗,西至埃及的地区,包括以色列,而不包括土耳其、阿尔及利亚、利比亚、毛里塔尼亚、摩洛哥和突尼斯.这个中东的概念包含了世界上最大的三家军火买主.1979-1983年,这一地区购买了价值654亿美元的军火,平均每天支付150万美元.其中世界头号买主伊拉克的购买额为176.2亿美元,接下来是沙特阿拉伯,121.25亿美元,第三名是叙利亚,105.3亿美元.
The Middle East is the largest market for arms sales in the world. From 1973 to 1984, arms dealers sold a total of US$504.1 billion worth of military equipment worldwide, of which 144.3 billion were sold to 16 Middle Eastern countries. The figures are from the most recent report of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA). The Middle East mentioned in the ACDA report refers to the region from east to west and Egypt to the west, including Israel, excluding Turkey, Algeria, Libya, and Mauritania. Morocco, Morocco, and Tunisia. The concept of the Middle East includes the world’s three largest arms buyers. From 1979 to 1983, the region purchased 6.5 billion U.S. dollars worth of arms and paid an average of 1.5 million U.S. dollars a day. The world’s number one buyer, Iraq’s purchase The amount was US$17.62 billion, followed by Saudi Arabia with US$12.125 billion, and the third place was Syria, with US$10.53 billion.