SAFARI 起源于东非。在斯瓦西里语中,它的本意就是旅行。随着欧洲猎人的到来,SAFARI 专指狩猎旅行。今天,虽然仍有少量的地方被作为指定狩猎区,狩猎活动基本受到禁止。但对于更多的游客而言,SAFARI 魅力不减,只是狩猎的工具已经改变:猎枪变成了捕捉影像的相机和摄像机。而东非,毫无疑问是这个星球上最佳的 SAFARI 目的地。在塞伦盖蒂大草原上跟随千百头角马奔腾,在纳库鲁湖与上万只火烈鸟一同翩跹,在桑布鲁公园邂逅象群,在恩戈罗恩戈罗火山口捕捉黑犀牛的身影,在桑给巴尔岛感受独特的历史和文化……让 SAFARI 带给我们久违的狂野和激情。
SAFARI originated in East Africa. In Swahili, its purpose is to travel. With the arrival of European hunters, SAFARI specifically refers to hunting trips. Today, hunting activities are basically banned, although a few places are still designated as designated hunting areas. But for more tourists, SAFARI charm, but hunting tools have changed: the shotgun turned into a capture camera and video camera. East Africa, no doubt, is the best SAFARI destination on the planet. In the Serengeti prairie to follow thousands of horses in the gallop, Lake Nakuru and thousands of flamingos together, in the encounter elephants in Samburu Park, capture the black rhinoceros in Ngorongoro Crater Figure, experience the unique history and culture of Zanzibar Island ... SAFARI bring us a long absence of wildness and passion.