采用红外椭圆偏振光谱研究了与 Ga Sb衬底近晶格匹配的不同组分 Gax In1 - x Asy Sb1 - y样品位于禁带宽度能量位置之上、附近和之下的室温折射率光谱 .根据禁带宽度能量位置附近的折射率增强效应确定了 Gax In1 - x Asy Sb1 - y样品的禁带宽度 ,并发现在组分 x=0 .2~ 0 .3之间禁带宽度随组分 x近似于线性变化 .
The refractive index spectra of Gax In1 - x Asy Sb1 - y samples near the energy gap of the forbidden band were studied by using infrared ellipsometry at room temperature. The bandgap of Gax In1 - x Asy Sb1 - y samples was determined by the refractive index enhancement effect near the energy position of the band width and found that the bandgap between components x = 0.2 ~ 0.3 was approximately Linear change.