Hans Stoter出任科隆中国总经理

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   Hans Stoter出任科隆中国总经理
  近日,科隆国际展览有限公司任命Hans Stoter为科隆展览(中国)有限公司总经理,全面负责科隆中国公司的展览、会议业务。Hans Stoter具有十五年的会奖行业经验,并对中国市场有着详细的了解,他将进一步巩固科隆公司在中国的优势地位。在加入科隆中国公司之前,Hans Stoter担任过i2i会展集团上海公司的代理总经理。(刘一凯)
   Hans Stoter
  Koelnmesse has announced the appointment of Hans Stoter as general manager of Koelnmesse Co. Ltd. In this new role , he will be responsible for all of Koelnmesse’s trade fairs, conventions and conferences in China. With his fifteen years of MICE industry experience and deep knowledge of the national market, Hans Stoter will focus on expanding Koelnmesse’s already strong market position in China. Prior to joining Koelnmesse Co. Ltd. in Beijing, Hans Stoter held the position of interim general manager at the i2i Events Group in Shanghai, China.
   Korean exhibition organizers promotes industry in China
  Recently, Association of Korea Exhibition Industry(AKEI) expressed that CEOs of Korean exhibition organizers took the initiative to host promotion fairs in China to attract more Chinese exhibitors and audiences.
  The visiting group included president of AKEI and chairman of Korea International Exhibition Center. The delegation group visited Shanghai Conference and Exhibition Association, and the two parties signed a MOU.
  Bokyung Byun, President of AKEI observed that through the promotions in China, the delegation group aimed to explore more business opportunities in China to further expand the export of Korean products to China.
  2014年12月2日,由新加坡公用事业局梁俊辉署长带领、郑光辉副署长主讲的新加坡水务市场推介会在北京举办。此次推介会着重介绍了新加坡水务市场的发展历史、现状和对未来的展望,同时也推出在国际水务市场具有相当影响力的新加坡水博会Water Expo2016,为中国水处理领域的企业开拓新加坡及其他海外市场提供信息及牵线搭桥。新加坡水博会在中国的独家代理北京巨友华宇国际会展有限公司组织了本次推介会。来自国内众多品牌水处理企业及行业协会代表出席了本届推介会。
  Water Expo 2014汇聚来自世界各地的800余家参展商与133个国家和地区的20,810名专业买家和会议代表,展会现场形成商业意向高达145亿新元(合108.9亿美元)。Water Expo2016将于2016年7月11-13日在新加坡金莎国际会展中心举行,目前已有中国、德国、日本、荷兰、美国、加拿大、韩国、英国、比利时、澳大利亚等组团参展。(刘一凯)
   PUB promotes Water Expo 2016 in Beijing
  On 2 December 2014, Singapore Water Affairs Market Promotion Fair was held in Beijing,China. Hosted by the Public Utilities Board (PUB), Singapore, the promotion fair was focused on the historical development, current situation and future development of the water product market in Singapore, as well as an introduction of Singapore International Water Week Water Expo 2016, which is to be held in Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapore, from 11 to 13, July, 2016.
  Water Expo 2014?welcomed about 800 exhibitors of the world and 20,810 visitors from 133 countries and regions and achieved a total turnover of 10.89 billion US dollars. Many Chinese exhibitors of the last session will join the 2016 edition, based on the good exhibition effect.
Studies show that in an exhibition of hundreds of exhibition booths, over half of the buyers spend less than 8 hours in the exhibition venue. However, some exhibitors are able to attract such buyers a
据统计,在有几百个甚至上千个展位的展会上,超过半数的参观买家在展场停留的时间不足8小时。而有一些企业却能有效地吸引这些买家,并在短短的时间内令买家对自己的产品甚至品牌留下深刻印象。这其中的微妙之处,其实在于“设计”上的功夫。  “展台展示的不仅仅是展品,更是企业的品牌形象。在展会现场,每个展商都有自己的名片,但还有一张大名片,那就是企业的展位。”这是嘉诺展览集团副总经理、嘉诺展示设计(DDG)负责
On 21-22 February, UFI Educational Forum on Sustainability was held in Singapore, just a day before UFI’s Open Seminar in Asia. Entitled “Sustainability 2.0”, the Forum showed how venues and organiser
Every year, Informa Exhibitions hosts over 150 large scale B2B and consumer exhibitions, covering fields including life science, energy, printing, logistics, anti-aging and cosmetics. Arab Health, a l
斯德哥尔摩城市会议中心是瑞典第一个被Safehotels机构授予安保认证的会议中心。该中心CEO Monika Malmén女士表示,“安保一直是我们会议中心的重中之重。获得Safehotels机构安保认证是我们发展过程中很自然的一步,也是健全会议中心安保体系的重要工具。我们努力维持高水准的安保工作,避免事故与意外的发生,并最小化对参会代表、环境与财产的损害程度。”  斯德哥尔摩城市会议中心是斯德
As Asia’s leading MICE destination, Marina Bay Sands is not “just another MICE venue”. The integrated resort is an iconic destination that has not only transformed Asia’s meeting and events industry,
Reporter: At the internet age, how to leverage new technologies and mobile devices to innovate exhibition marketing?  Ben: In this age and time, there are so many ways we can leverage new technologies
孟买会展中心位于印度孟买繁忙的西区高速公路旁,是印度最大的私营会展中心。会展中心距孟买机场仅有很短的车程,周边有20多个酒店,包括数个五星级酒店,其中一些酒店还提供前往展览中心的免费穿梭巴士。  从城际范围看,会展中心靠近郊区火车站,无论乘坐公交车还是各类私人交通工具皆十分便捷。而从孟买也有主道路快速到达周边的古吉拉特邦、拉贾斯坦邦、中央邦和果阿邦。  会展中心占地面积为500,000平方英尺(约
又是新年将至,适逢岁尾,全国沉浸在一片祈福迎春的喜气中。总结过去展望未来,出展业的春天还远吗?  回望2014年,出展业呈现出了良好的发展形势。据中国贸促会在昆明发布的《中国展览经济发展报告2014》统计显示,2014年,出展项目数等主要数据一扫2013年的低迷,其中,全年展出总面积更创下新高,突破70万平方米,参展企业数也攀至47,787家。  从数据看,2014年出展业的发展有了全新的突破。抛