前哨淋巴结(sentinel lymph node,SLN)在乳腺癌和恶性黑素瘤中的研究较成熟,已应用于临床。对胃癌前哨淋巴结的研究目前已成为胃癌诊治研究领域的一项重要组成。有研究提示,SLN在临床上的评估T1N0M0期胃癌或早期胃癌中的应用是可行的,准确率和敏感性均较高;而在进展期胃癌中,则敏感性较低且假阴性率较高。因此本文就胃癌SN示踪剂、适应证、微转移、成像系统等方面的进展进行综述。
Sentinel lymph node (sentinel lymph node, SLN) in breast cancer and malignant melanoma research more mature, has been used in clinical. Sentinel lymph node research has become an important component in the field of gastric cancer diagnosis and treatment. Some studies suggest that SLN in the clinical evaluation of T1N0M0 gastric cancer or early gastric cancer is feasible, accuracy and sensitivity are high; while in advanced gastric cancer, the sensitivity is lower and the false negative rate is higher . Therefore, this article reviews the progress of SN tracer, indication, micrometastasis and imaging system in gastric cancer.