根据对我校文、理科6个系83级学生入学时与毕业时视力近视眼普查统计资料的分析研究,可以明显地看到,栽校学生入学时近视眼发病率普遍较高,而在校学习期间又有严重发展的趋势。在我校预防近视眼、保护学生的视力,实为刻不容缓的问题。1 调查对象和方法我校视力普查分两次进行。第一次是1983年9月,调查对象有中文、政教、外语3个文科系新入学的83级学生367人,数学、物理、化学3个理科系83级学生403人,共
According to my school text, science 6 Department of 83 students enrolled at the time of graduation and visual acuity census statistical data analysis and analysis, we can clearly see that planting school students generally high incidence of myopia, while in school During the study there was a serious development trend. In my school to prevent myopia, to protect students’ eyesight, it is an urgent issue. A survey of objects and methods My school vision census carried out in two. The first was in September 1983, the survey included 367 83-grade students enrolled in three liberal arts departments of Chinese, Politics and Education, and Foreign Languages, and 403 students in 83 majors of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry