UNILAN~是瑞士德特威勒电缆系统公司的结构化布线解决方案,已获得多方权威机构的认证,并惟一获得由解放军总参谋部颁发的国防通讯器材入网许可证。在大厦、政府、金融、机场、医院等场所有众多的成功案例。JNILAN~布线系统支持的内容数据处理:IBM(3270A 型、36/38和 AS/400),NCR 电子付款注册系统,HewlettPackard,Honeywell,Prime,Ericsson,Olivetti,Wang,DEC,
UNILAN ~ is a structured cabling solution from Datwyler Cable Systems, Switzerland. It has been accredited by multiple authorities and has been granted only a license to enter national defense communications equipment by the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army. In the building, government, finance, airports, hospitals and other places have many success stories. JNILAN ~ Cabling System Supported Content Data Processing: IBM (3270A, 36/38 and AS / 400), NCR Electronic Payment Registration System, Hewlett Packard, Honeywell, Prime, Ericsson, Olivetti, Wang, DEC,