徜徉在蓝天下,拥抱大地,给心灵一片休憩的港湾,亦或森林跋涉、激流泛舟,亦或深海潜水,海滩漫步,领略异国风情……这也许就是繁忙的生活节奏下现代人的休闲方式。如今,旅游尤其是出境游已成为国人休闲度假的首选,据了解,中国已位列世界第二大旅游输出国。2014年中国内地出境旅游人次超过1亿,海外交易总额达1 648亿美元。出境旅游成为旅行社新的利润增长点。然而,随着出境游的火热和不断发展,服务质量标准明显滞后,也带来了很多负面影响,旅行社加收服务费、安全保证金、强制购物、景点缩水等等令消费者苦不堪言,魅力假期变成了“忧伤假期”。
徜 徉 In the blue sky, embracing the earth, giving the rest of the harbor to the soul, or trekking through the forest, whitewater rafting, deep sea diving, beach walks and exotic expeditions ... This is perhaps the modern way of life under the hectic pace of life. Nowadays, tourism, especially outbound travel, has become the first choice for leisure and vacation for Chinese people. It is understood that China has ranked as the second largest tourist exporter in the world. In 2014, the number of outbound tourists from mainland China exceeded 100 million and the total amount of overseas transactions reached 1.648 billion U.S. dollars. Outbound travel has become a new profit growth point of travel agencies. However, with the fiery and continuous development of outbound travel, the quality of service standards have lagged far behind and brought many negative impacts. Travel agencies have to pay extra for service fees, security deposits, compulsory shopping, shrinking attractions, etc., making consumers miserable and miserable Holiday has become “sad holiday ”.