坚持“压”“建”“管”并重 全面落实基层党建主体责任

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习近平总书记反复强调,全面落实基层党建主体责任,是“党要管党、从严治党”的重要组成部分。把基层党建主体责任落实落靠,是开展“两学一做”学习教育的重要保障。当前,关键要看能否构建起成龙配套的责任体系、指标体系和运行管理体系。在责任体系的构建上,力求压紧、压实重点把握三个原则:一是“纵向到底”。针对县区、乡镇(街道)和村(社区)三个层级,分别制定了落实基层党建主体责任实施办法,建立不同 General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly emphasized that the full implementation of the responsibility of grassroots party-building entities is an important part of “the party’s governing the party and its party strictly”. The implementation of the responsibility of grassroots party-building entities is an important guarantee for carrying out the “two studies and one education” learning and education. At present, the key depends on whether we can build a supporting system of responsibility, index system and operation management system. In the construction of the responsibility system, we should try our best to hold down the three principles by pressing down and pressing down. For the three levels of county, township (street) and village (community), respectively, the formulation of the implementation of grass-roots party building principal responsibility to establish different
新自由主义是现代资产阶级右翼意识形态 ,其产生有着特定的历史背景。新自由主义有着众多派别 ,影响程度各异。“华盛顿共识”是新自由主义的重要原则。近些年 ,新自由主义造