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从我对世事有了一知半解的感知之后,一直到我考上了大学,进入了所谓的文化单位工作,甚至在比这还要长久的一个阶段,我总是避免在公众场合评价我的母亲,也不愿意她到学校或单位来看我。遇到有人赞美自己当干部当知识分子的母亲,或有人矫情地以批评的口吻炫耀他母亲的时候,虽然我会点头,哼哈,连连附和,但我却几乎没有一次不小心翼翼地绕开我的母亲,尽量不把话题引向她。我的母亲并不是缺乏德行的人,我之所以不愿意向同事谈论她,不愿意她突然出现在我读书或上班的地方,其原因是,而且仅仅是,我的一种虚荣在作怪。母亲是一个农村妇女,依惯常和流俗的标准衡量,她似乎并没有多少可以谈论的资格,也不能使我感到骄傲,我甚至还在暗中觉得谈论她而有一点羞愧。我以为她操方言,用土语,穿自己缝制的斜襟衫子,手很是粗糙,也有裂纹,裂纹里还有不能立即洗净的泥土中的红薯汁和田野里的蒺藜汁,站无站相,坐无坐相,是难登大雅之 After I had a little knowledge of the world, I went to college and entered the so-called cultural work unit. Even at a stage longer than this, I always avoided the public evaluation of my mother, Also do not want her to come to school or unit to see me. When I met someone who praised myself as a mother of intellectuals or showed off his mother in a hypocritically critique manner, I nodded, hummed, and reincarnated one after another, but I barely managed to bypass me Mother, try not to talk to her. My mother is not a person who lacks morality. The reason why I do not want to talk about her to my colleagues is that she does not want her to suddenly appear in the place where I study or go to work. The reason is, and only is, my vanity is at work. The mother, a rural woman, measured by customary and customary standards, did not seem to have much qualifications to talk about and did not pride me, and I even felt a bit ashamed to say her in the dark. I thought she was practicing the dialect and wearing her own diapered sweater in her native language. Her hands were very rough and cracked. There were also sweet potato juice in the mud that could not be washed immediately in the cracks and the quinoa juice in the fields. Phase, sitting without sitting, it is difficult to decency
一天,室友把行李箱的密码忘了,很着急,不知道怎么办好。我比较爱研究东西,很早就知道这种箱子的密码锁是怎么弄的,于是我就帮他打开了,室友感激不尽,称赞我厉害。  第二天,室友们都在箱子上挂了把明锁。
缘起—— 2000年17期的“四季风铃”我们刊登了署名“程啸”的一名大学生的文章《沉沦的圣殿》,并因此附了一篇短短的征稿信。一石激起千层浪。从见刊那天起,由这篇征稿信带
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