1973年,美国导演James Bridges以当年的哈佛法学院的实际情况,拍摄了一部名叫The Paper Chase的电影,中文翻译为《力争上游》。这部无论导演还是演员阵容都并非豪华的电影在后来几十年中,一直都被全美几乎每个法律系的学生视为“第一堂必修课”。电影讲述了一名哈佛法学院学生的求学故事。影片开头即通过主人公哈特被教授点名答问的情节生动展现了哈佛法学院独具魅力、
In 1973, American director James Bridges filmed a film called The Paper Chase based on the current situation at Harvard Law School. The Chinese translation is “strive for the upper reaches.” This film, which is neither a director nor an actress, is not a luxury movie for decades to come as “the first compulsory course” for nearly every law student in the United States. The movie tells a story about a student at Harvard Law School. At the beginning of the film, the protagonist Hart was named to answer the question and the plot vividly demonstrated the unique charm of Harvard Law School,