我自憾未专攻美术史,而只能在边缘上徘徊。 涉足的乐趣告诉我,美术史在文化领域中有独特价值。对于音乐和美术这两种艺术的研究分别形成了“音乐学”与“美术史”这两种学科。何以有这种“学”与“史”的区别呢?看来与两种艺术的方式有关。音乐在历史上曾缺乏依原样流传的可
I regret not specializing in art history, but only hovering on the edge. The fun of getting involved tells me that art history has its own unique value in the field of culture. The research on the two arts of music and art forms the two disciplines of “musicology” and “art history” respectively. Why is there such a difference between “learning” and “history”? It seems that there are two ways of art. The history of music has been lacking according to what it is