令投资环境最好 让企业成本最低——访清远市委书记陈用志

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本刊清远讯清远市委书记陈用志就如何以“三个代表”重要思想指导发展清远经济等问题接受了记者采访。五个创新努力营造良好投资环境陈用志说,目前清远市工业势头发展良好。去年“2.28”的48个重点项目顺利奠基,引进资金126亿元,如果这些企业全部投产后产出将达到260亿元,则现在清远工业总产值的2倍,等于再造了一个清远。他认为,经济欠发达山区发展经济最大的障碍就是观念的落后,当务之急要从传统农业思想观念中解放出来,确立现代化工业的观念。现在,清远上下结合贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,正全面掀起一场“五个创新”的经济振兴,包括观念创新、思路创新、政策创新、环境创新和服务创新。陈用志说,去年政府调整和制定了一系列鼓励投资的政策,目的是要把清远招商引资的门槛降下来,政府正努力精简机构实行一个“窗口”收费,使清远成为广东投资环境最好、企业成本最低的地方之一。 Our reporter Qingyuan Municipal Party Secretary Chen Yongzhi on how to accept the reporter interviewed on how to guide the development of Qingyuan economy with the important thinking of the “three represents.” Five innovative efforts to create a good investment environment Chen Yong said that at present the development of industrial momentum in Qingyuan City is good. Last year, 48 key projects of “2.28” successfully laid the foundation stone and introduced capital of 12.6 billion yuan. If all these enterprises are put into operation, the output will reach 26 billion yuan. Now, the total industrial output value of Qingyuan is twice that of Qingyuan. In his opinion, the biggest obstacle to economic development in the economically underdeveloped mountain areas is the backwardness of the concept. It is imperative to liberate them from the concept of traditional agricultural ideas and establish the concept of modernized industry. At present, Qingyuan is carrying out the important thinking of the “three represents” from top to bottom and is now launching a comprehensive economic revitalization of “five innovations”, including conceptual innovation, innovative thinking, policy innovation, environmental innovation and service innovation. Chen Yongzhi said that last year the government adjusted and formulated a series of policies to encourage investment with the purpose of lowering the threshold of investment promotion in Qingyuan and the government is trying hard to streamline the implementation of a “window” fee to make Qingyuan the best investment environment in Guangdong , One of the lowest cost companies.
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