本文采用单光子骨密度仪 ( SPA)对 2 5 6名绝经后妇女行桡、尺骨矿物含量测定 ,按绝经年限分为 5组 ,绝经 1~ 5年组 5 8例、6~ 10年组 47例、11~ 15年组 60例、16~ 2 0年组 62例 ,绝经≥ 2 1年组2 9例。并随机抽取 88例绝经后妇女行血清激素浓度测定 ,选取对照育龄组 70例 ,用放射免疫法 ( RIA)行血清雌二醇 ( E2 )睾酮 ( T)、促卵泡素 ( FSH)、黄体生成素 ( LH)、生长激素 ( GH)、甲状腺激素 ( T3、T4)、促甲状腺素 ( TSH)浓度测定。结果显示 :骨密度 ( BMD)停经 1- 5年组低于对照组 ,但差异无显著性 ( P>0 .0 5 ) ,以后各组 BMD均明显降低 ,差异有显著性 ( P<0 .0 1)。绝经后妇女血清 E2 、GH、T4浓度明显降低 ,与 BMD呈正相关 ,FSH、L H随增龄血清浓度增高 ,与 BMD呈负相关。本文支持绝经后雌激素减少是导致骨质疏松的主要原因 ,但也与体内各种激素水平变化有关系 ,相互间存在一定协同作用。
Radiographic and ulnar mineral contents of 256 postmenopausal women were determined by single-photon bone densitometry (SPA). According to the menopause period, they were divided into 5 groups, 58 menopausal in 1 to 5 years and 47 menopausal in 47 years For example, 60 cases in 11-15 years, 62 cases in 16-20 years, and 29 cases in menopause ≥ 21 years. Eighty - eight patients with postmenopausal women were randomly selected for the determination of serum hormone levels. Seventy control subjects of childbearing age were selected and their serum estradiol (E2) testosterone (T), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone LH), growth hormone (GH), thyroid hormone (T3, T4) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). The results showed that the BMD was lower in the 1- 5-year group than in the control group, but the difference was not significant (P> 0.05). The BMD of each group was significantly lower after the menopause (P <0. 0 1). Serum levels of E2, GH and T4 in postmenopausal women were significantly lower than those in normal controls and positively correlated with BMD. FSH and LH were negatively correlated with BMD with increasing serum concentrations. This article supports the reduction of postmenopausal estrogen is the leading cause of osteoporosis, but also with the changes in the body of a variety of hormone levels, there is some synergy between each other.