八、临床上发生洋地黄中毒的原因是什么? 答:1.用药过量:这种情况较少见,约占中毒中20%左右。(1)对各种洋地黄制剂的特性及剂量缺乏了解;(2)未了解患者近期洋地黄用药情况而贸然采用快速洋地黄化;(3)用药中观察不严,忽略某些中毒征兆仍继续服药;(4)在判定洋地黄不足或过量犹豫不决时轻率地采用西地兰耐药试验;(5)门诊患者不了解中毒征象,机械按医嘱服药;(6)误服。 2.机体对洋地黄敏感性增高:(1)年龄因素,老年人耐受性低;(2)心肌病变;(3)电解质紊乱;(4)使用增加洋地黄毒性的药物,如钙盐、利血平等;(5)直流电转复,曾有一组报告28例用洋地黄后接受直流电转复结果70%发生中
Eight, the clinical occurrence of digitalis poisoning is what? A: 1. Overdose: This situation is rare, accounting for about 20% of poisoning. (1) a lack of understanding of the characteristics and dosage of various digitalis preparations; (2) the rapid use of rapid digitalis without knowledge of recent digitalis administration in patients; (3) the lack of observation during administration, the absence of certain signs of poisoning Continue to take medicine; (4) in determining the digitalis is not enough or excessive hesitation when using cland’s resistance test; (5) outpatients do not understand the signs of poisoning, medicine, according to doctor’s advice; 2. The organism is sensitive to digitalis: (1) age, low tolerance to the elderly; (2) cardiomyopathy; (3) electrolyte disturbances; (4) use of drugs that increase the toxicity of digitalis, such as calcium salts, Reserpine, etc .; (5) DC to restore, there have been a group of 28 cases reported with digitalis DC received 70% of the results of the recovery