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常常,我想起那座山。它沉沉稳稳地驻在那块土地上,像一方纸镇。美丽凝重且深情地压住这张纸,使我们可以在这张纸上写属于我们的历史。有时是在市声沸天、市尘弥地的台北街头,有时是在拥挤而又落寞的公共汽车站,我总会想起那座山和山上的神木。那一座山叫拉拉山。 Often, I think of that mountain. It settled quietly on the piece of land, like a paperweight town. Beautiful dignified and affectionate pressure on this piece of paper, so that we can write on this piece of paper belongs to our history. Sometimes it is booming in the city, the streets of Taipei City, dusty and sometimes crowded and lonely bus station, I always think of that mountain and the mountains of the sacred wood. That mountain is called Lala Mountain.