据《市场报·人才周刊》1月23日报道,150名职业指导人员日前参加了首次职称资格认定考试,一种新的职称系列──职业指导师将在北京市诞生。 据了解,此次职称认定考试是国家劳动和社会保障部在颁布《职业指导人员国家职业标准》(试行)后首次举办的试点考试,试点选择
According to “Market News Talent Weekly” January 23 reported that 150 career guidance staff recently participated in the first qualification examination, a new series of titles ─ ─ vocational guidance division will be born in Beijing. It is understood that the job title examination is the pilot of the State Department of Labor and Social Security in the promulgation of “professional guidance staff national occupational standards” (for trial implementation) for the first time after the pilot test, pilot selection