涨潮了,他们肩并肩往回走,留下一个个脚印。不知道这些脚印,是不是朝着梦想的方向前进呢?Chapter 1糟糕,有贼3月的微风岛,已经暖烘烘的好似初夏。刘安逸穿着夹脚拖鞋,打着呵欠来到自己的海产店,打开门准备做生意。这时是早上8点,第一班渡轮正从海对岸出发,一小时后,就会有一两百个游客背着相机登岛。微风岛没什么名气,每天只来3班渡轮。打开门后,刘安逸像平常一样躺在店门口的躺椅上,翘着二郎腿啃玉米。太阳刚好照在他的脸上,他索性闭上眼睛,一边养神一边嚼。后来他睡着了,玉米棒掉到地上也浑然不觉,直到有游客拍他的
High tide, they go back and side by side, leaving a footprints. Do not know these footprints, is it moving in the direction of the dream? Chapter 1 bad, thieves breezes in March, has been warm as early summer. Liu Anyi wearing flip-flop slippers, yawning to their own seafood shop, open the door ready to do business. At 8:00 this morning, the first ferry is departing from the other side of the sea. One hour later, one or two hundred tourists will landed their cameras on the island. Breezy island is not famous, only 3 classes a day ferry. Open the door, Liu An as usual lying on the couch at the storefront, cocked his legs chewing corn. Sun just shines in his face, he simply closed his eyes, while recuperation while chewing. He fell asleep later, and the corn on the ground did not fall until there was a tourist patting him