位于中國西南部的贵州是一個民族眾多、資源豐富的近海內陸山區省份。境內山巒起伏、河流縱横,氣候宜人。在这片土地上蕴育着丰富的生物、礦產、能源和旅游資源。 種類繁多的生物資源贵州自然條件復雜,地域差異較大,土壤類型較多,氣候温和,雨量充沛,日照允足,為各種動植物提供了生長環境。據統計,贵州有1700多個植物種類,在中國名列前茅。在貴州秀麗的清水江和都柳江畔,在濕熱多雨的赤水河穀和紅水
Guizhou, located in southwestern China, is a province of many inland and resource-rich inland and inland mountains. The territory of undulating hills, rivers aspect, a pleasant climate. In this land rich in biological, mineral, energy and tourism resources. A variety of biological resources Guizhou has complex natural conditions, large geographical differences, more soil types, mild climate, abundant rainfall and adequate sunshine, providing a variety of flora and fauna for the growth environment. According to statistics, Guizhou has more than 1,700 plant species, among the best in China. In the beautiful Qingshui and Guizhou Liujiang River banks, in the hot and humid Chishui Valley and red water