In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of fans of trees and flowers, and the trend of gardens in which beautiful plants of flowers and trees are planted is also on the rise. This phenomenon of enjoying the flowers and trees is considered to be a manifestation of self-perception. It is a very good thing to enjoy the flowers and trees planted by ourselves. I was fortunate enough to see the lotus in a summer summer at the Yizi pottery store. I saw the tingling red lotus in the big front vase and it was Dahe Lin, the variety I was looking for, Lotus touched the kind of hard to forget so far. For a long time since then, Da-He Lin came into my mind from time to time, and when it came to meeting people, she talked about lotus flowers and kept inquiring about the cultivation methods. Six months later, my friend introduced me to someone who had Dahe Lin. I really wanted to visit him. He told me to come back in the spring. I started to learn how to raise the lotus and start from the container. There was a very large pot for me, and the bottom of the pot was plugged, so I had a 200ml pot.