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近几年来,枞阳县稻田绿肥(红花草)的面积不断扩大,1965年夏收二十八万八千五百五十七亩,已占水田总面积61.6%。由于1964年秋冬连续干旱三个多月,鮮草有不同程度的减产;但在同样的气候条件下,因措施不同,地区间和田块间的单位面积产量悬殊很大,高的亩产鮮草三、四千斤,六、七千斤以至万斤,低的则不过四、五百斤。全县平均亩产鮮草估计仅二千斤上下,一亩绿肥还不能满足一亩水稻的需要。因此,如何采取有效的增产措施,尽快地普遍提高绿肥鲜草产量,对解决当前肥料不足问题具有头等重要的意义。从去年秋种到今年夏收,我们在各类地区不同土质的五十二块(八十三亩)田上进行了试验对比,还分别调查了群众栽培和试验的一百五十块(二百二十余亩)高产与低产田。根据这些资料,结合以往的经验,我们认为,只要彻底地执行以下的技术措施,是能夠把全县的绿肥平均亩产从现有的水平提高一倍到两倍的,即按每亩施二十五至三十担绿肥的标准,种一亩绿肥可兴一点五至二亩田。这个措施概括起来就是。以磷增氮、以小肥养大肥为主,以换种晚熟高产良种为重点,普遍大抓蓄水防旱、开沟防渍,适当增加播种量,提早播种期,因土确定种植方式。现分述如下。 In recent years, Zongyang County paddy green manure (Red Grass) area continues to expand, the summer of 1965 received 28585 acres, accounting for 61.6% of the total paddy field area. Due to the successive drought in autumn and winter of 1964, more than three months, fresh grass has reduced production to varying degrees; but under the same climatic conditions, due to different measures, the yield per unit area between fields and fields is very large. Three or four kilos, six or seven kilos or even ten thousand jin, low four or five jin. The county average yield of fresh grass is estimated that only two kilograms up and down, acre green manure can not meet the needs of an acre of rice. Therefore, how to take effective measures to increase production as soon as possible to generally increase the yield of fresh green manure is of prime importance in solving the current shortage of fertilizers. From the autumn of last year to the summer harvest of this year, we compared and tested fifty-two (83-hectare) fields of different soil types in various regions. We also separately investigated 150 pieces of cultivation and experimentation conducted by the masses More than ten acres) high yield and low yield field. Based on these data and previous experiences, we believe that as long as the following technical measures are implemented thoroughly, the average yield of green manure in the whole county can be doubled from the existing level to twice that of the existing ones, that is, Fifteen to thirty green manure standards, planting a green manure can be a little bit to five acres of fields. This measure is to sum it up. In order to increase phosphorus by nitrogen, the main fertilizer to small fat, with another variety of late-maturing high yield stress, generally catch water drought, ditching stains, the appropriate increase in seeding, early sowing, soil determine the way of planting . Now is as follows.
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