今年夏天,北京的各大花卉市场内一下子涌出了许多驱蚊香草,它们大多打着高科技的牌子,每盆驱蚊香草的价格在20-80元之间。这些驱蚊香草真的都能达到驱除蚊虫的效果吗?为此,记者专程走访了从事蚊香草研究长达8年之久的北京中科迪尔基因技术有限责任公司,该公司副总经理张铁汉接受了记者的采访。 记者:最近市场上出现了多种驱蚊香
This summer, many flower repellents vanished in major flower markets in Beijing. Most of them are high-tech brands, and the price of insect repellent vanilla is about 20-80 yuan per pot. These insect repellent vanilla really can get rid of the effect of mosquitoes? To this end, the reporter made a special trip to visit the mosquito vanilla research for up to 8 years in Beijing China Cordier Gene Technology Co., Ltd., the company’s deputy general manager Zhang Iron Han accepted a reporter’s interview. Reporter: Recently, a variety of insect repellent incense appeared on the market