HER2阳性乳腺癌侵袭性高、易出现复发和转移。恩美曲妥珠单抗(ado-trastuzumab emtansine, T-DM1)是新型抗HER2靶向药物,具有靶向性和细胞毒杀伤双重抗肿瘤作用,2020年2月国家药品监督管理局正式批准其上市,而国内的应用报道较少。本文报道了1例局部晚期HER2阳性的乳腺癌患者使用T-DM1治疗的经过及预后,并复习相关文献,提高对靶向药物T-DM1的认识,以期为HER2阳性乳腺癌患者提供抗HER2治疗新的选择。“,”HER2-positive breast cancer is highly aggressive and prone to recurrence and metastasis. T-DM1 (Ado-Trastuzumab Emtansine) is a new anti-HER2 targeted drug with targeting therapeutic effect and cytotoxic killing. It was officially approved by the National Medical Products Administration in February 2020, but there are few reports about its application in China. In this paper, a case of locally advanced HER2-positive breast cancer treated with T-DM1 was reported, and relevant literature was reviewed to improve the understanding of targeted drug T-DM1, in order to provide a new anti-HER2 treatment option for HER2-positive breast cancer patients.