我厂一期工程年产硫酸10万吨、磷酸二铵6万吨,副产氟硅酸钠1200吨。从1987年以来,先后从美国、加拿大、日本、法国引进带阳极保护的不锈钢管壳式酸冷却器、路易斯液下泵、立式料浆泵、轴流泵、磷酸泵、石墨换热器、板式换热器等19台单体设备,加上70年代引进日本的2台SO_2鼓风机,共计21台单体设备。这些单体、关键设备的引进,显著地提高了我厂的工艺装置技术水平和经济效益。现根据我厂的经验,谈谈如何加强进口设备的管理工作。 1.加强进口设备的技术资料管理和基础管理 首先,按各类设备逐一建立基础档案,其中包括引进设备项目建议书,可行性研究报告,上级机关的批准文件,设备订货合同,技术条
Our first-phase project will annually produce 100,000 tons of sulfuric acid, 60,000 tons of diammonium phosphate and 1,200 tons of sodium fluorosilicate. Since 1987, it has introduced anode protection stainless steel shell and tube acid coolers, Louise submerged pumps, vertical slurry pumps, axial flow pumps, phosphoric acid pumps, and graphite heat exchangers from the United States, Canada, Japan, and France. There are 19 single-unit equipment such as plate heat exchangers, plus two SO_2 blowers imported from Japan in the 1970s, for a total of 21 units. The introduction of these monomers and key equipment has significantly improved the technical level and economic efficiency of our plant’s process equipment. Now based on the experience of our factory, talk about how to strengthen the management of imported equipment. 1. Strengthen the management of technical data and basic management of imported equipment First, set up basic files for each type of equipment, including the introduction of equipment project proposals, feasibility study reports, approval documents from higher authorities, equipment order contracts, and technical articles.