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患者24岁,已婚,维吾尔族。末次月经1996年6月4日,停经50天,阴道少量流血伴腹痛2天。尿妊娠试验阳性,门诊诊断不全流产,行清宫术,刮出少量宫内膜组织送病检,病理报告:宫内大量蜕膜组织。术后腹痛加重,以宫外孕收住院。查体:体温37℃、脉搏80次/分,呼吸20次/分,血压13/9kPa,慢性病容,腹部平软,有压痛,无移动性浊音。妇科检查:阴道有少量暗红色血,宫颈光滑,轻微举痛,宫体前位,略大,左附件区可触到5cm×4cm实囊性包块,固定,有触痛。右侧附件正常。B超提示:左 Patient 24 years old, married, Uighur. The last menstrual June 4, 1996, menopause 50 days, a small amount of vaginal bleeding with abdominal pain for 2 days. Urine pregnancy test positive, outpatient diagnosis of incomplete abortion, line curettage, scraping a small amount of endometrial tissue disease examination, pathology report: a large number of intrauterine decidual tissue. Postoperative abdominal pain aggravated to ectopic pregnancy admitted to hospital. Physical examination: body temperature 37 ℃, pulse 80 beats / min, breathing 20 beats / min, blood pressure 13 / 9kPa, chronic disease, abdominal soft, tenderness, no mobility dullness. Gynecological examination: a small amount of dark red blood in the vagina, cervix smooth, slight pain, palace anterior, slightly larger, left attachment area can touch 5cm × 4cm solid cystic mass, fixed, tenderness. The right attachment is normal. B-Tip: left
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笔者对我院B超诊断的宫外孕病例进行临床、超声显像与手术及病理资料对照分析,着重讨论输卵管妊娠声像图特征及鉴别要点,以提高B超诊断水平。 1 对象与方法 1.1 对象 患者52