在2014年的年底,有两位新成员加入到了城市小型SUV这个大家庭里,它们就是东风雪铁龙C3-XR和观致3都市SUV。在当下这个火热细分领域,要找到这么两辆特点鲜明的车型也实属不易,具体哪辆车能够勾起你的购买欲望呢?法国籍新援——雪铁龙C3-XR东风雪铁龙旗下首款SUV C3-XR的量产车型延续了概念车的设计,整体造型设计理念带有明显的法式情怀。非常显眼的镀铬装饰格栅,携粗线条的品牌LOGO与前照灯构成有—个整体,使C3-XR的前脸充满着力量感。另外,在车头的两边安置了竖排6颗
At the end of 2014, two new members joined the family of small urban SUVs: the Dongfeng Citroen C3-XR and the Vision 3 Metropolitan SUV. In today’s fiery subdivision of the area, to find such two distinctive models is also not easy, which specific car which can evoke your desire to buy it? French new aid - Citroen C3-XR Dongfeng Citroen’s first SUV C3-XR production models continue the concept car design, the overall design concept with a clear French feelings. Very prominent chrome decorative grille, with thick lines of the brand LOGO and headlamps possessed - a whole, so that the front face of the C3-XR full of sense of power. In addition, placed in the front of the car on both sides of the vertical six