
来源 :国外医学.预防.诊断.治疗用生物制品分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nibeibei
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曾受b型流感杆菌(Hib)感染的2岁以内儿童,体内可能不产生抗Hib荚膜多糖(PRP)保护性抗体,有再次感染的危险。作者给有Hib感染史的儿童接种b型流感杆菌结合菌苗,以评价该结合菌苗对儿童的免疫原性和安全性。结合菌苗系由b型流感杆菌荚膜多糖与B群脑膜炎球菌外膜蛋白结合而制成,每针0.5ml菌苗中含15μg多糖。 Children younger than 2 years old who have been infected with influenza type b (Hib) may not develop anti-Hib capsular polysaccharide (PRP) protective antibodies in vivo and are at risk for re-infection. The authors vaccinated children with a history of Hib infection with influenza B conjugate vaccine to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of the combination vaccine in children. The combined bacterin was made from the combination of b-type influenza bacilli capsular polysaccharide with serogroup B meningococcal outer membrane protein containing 15 μg of polysaccharide per 0.5 ml of vaccine.
驻京总直某游泳队在集训中,先后累积发生51例牙酸、牙痛患者。经现场调查和实验室检验,可能与人尿污染水体,使水质酸度增高所致,现报告如下: (一)现场调查(1)游泳池卫生学调
彭博和其他演员吃了不少的苦头。他们穿着单薄的练功服在房间里跳舞,还要表现出大汗淋漓的感觉“,其实都被冻僵了”。 Bloomberg and other actors ate a lot of pain. They
1940年桂南会战后,第四战区司令长官张发奎管理广西军政,进驻柳州。长官司令部驻地内有座军械库,中校库长是何应钦的侄子。此 After the 1940 Guinan Campaign, Zhang Fakui