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每次我从各类媒体中见到“鹤舞白沙·我心飞翔”的画面时,心儿便会立刻激动,一幕往事伴随着一股热潮马上浸润到我的心田……那是1999年8月的一天上午,天空特别的晴朗,我接到了被企业录用为临时工的通知。这是一个多么令人兴奋的消息啊!正值壮年的我下岗四年,生活、事业处于一片迷茫,现在有机会去知名企业打工,我仿佛握住了天边飞来的彩虹。这天,我穿上发白的工装,带着几分希望和几分疑虑踏进了的制丝车间。车间主任对我们几位新员工进行了生产、安全、纪律等注意事项的细化分解,看着他那平易近人和充满鼓励、期盼的目光,不安的心情渐觉轻松。 Every time I see pictures of “Crane Dance White Sands, My Heart Fly,” from all kinds of media, my heart child will be immediately excited, and the scene is accompanied by an upsurge of infiltration immediately to my heart ...... That is 1999 In the morning of August of the same year, the sky was especially sunny. I received a notice of being employed by a company as a temporary worker. This is an exciting news ah! Positive adulterated I laid off four years, life, career in a confused, and now have the opportunity to work well-known enterprises, I seem to hold the horizon flying rainbow. This day, I put on a white tooling, with some hope and some doubts entered the yarn workshop. The workshop director broke down some of our new employees on the precautions of production, safety and discipline, and looked at his approachable and full of encouragement, looking forward to his anxiety.
可不可以当做误会一场?今天的我终于看清我自己—— Can it be misunderstood? Today I finally see myself -
“拥有一项关键能力,成为这个方面不可多得且不可或缺的人物” “Has a key ability to become a rare and indispensable figure in this area.”
心灵,是博大而纷繁的世界。这里有亲情的歌哭,有爱情的悲欢,还有友情的冷暖……和其他各种题材的诗相比,我国古代流传下来的情爱相思诗相对不多,但也不乏佳作。 The mind is
人生是一次选择心情的游戏,选择什么样的心情,你就选择了什么样的人生—— Life is a game of choice mood, choose what kind of mood, you choose what kind of life -
英文有托福考题,将来有一天,要有一套中文托福……故先准备一套模拟题供洋考生复习。一、听力理解 1.男:看那个妹妹、好靓哦! 女:看你个大头鬼! 问:这个女的说的是什么意思?
捕捉您生活中每一次感动发掘您最美好或最痛苦的记忆本栏目主持人诚请您一吐为快为热心的读者讲述真实的生活故事 Capture each and every move in your life to explore yo
生命像一粒风中的种子,有太大的理想空间,却无法有太多的选择余地—— Life like a seed in the wind, there is too much room for ideals, but can not have too much cho