对40个杧果品种(系)的花瓣和花药颜色进行数字化描述,即采用Photoshop CS3软件对试材图像进行处理,分别提取花瓣和花药颜色典型色域的CMYK模式参数,通过C、M、Y、K的百分比值确定其颜色。结果表明,用C、M、Y、K的百分比值能较准确科学地表现杧果花瓣和花药的色彩,可以反映品种(系)间差异。通过UPGMA聚类分析,将花瓣和花药颜色分别分成7个类群和4个类群。本研究为种质色彩描述与新品种选育指标提供新的数字化方法。
The petals and anthers color of 40 mango cultivars (lines) were digitized and described. The samples were processed with Photoshop CS3 software to extract the CMYK mode parameters of the typical color gamut of petals and anthers respectively. Through C, M, Y , The percentage value of K determines its color. The results showed that the percentage of C, M, Y and K could accurately and scientifically display the color of petals and anthers, which could reflect the differences among breeds (lines). By UPGMA cluster analysis, the petal and anther color were divided into seven groups and four groups. This study provides a new digital method for germplasm color description and selection of new varieties.