
来源 :“九一八”研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanwuhui
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在日本侵占中国东北的14年间,东北沦陷区文学在彷徨与悲苦中挣扎呐喊,在无奈与隐忍中匍匐前行。本文从主题脉络、异化特征、殖民本质、历史影响等多重角度,对东北沦陷区文学进行了全面梳理和深度审视,努力再现伪满洲国文学良莠杂陈的概貌,进而披露日本法西斯在“振兴文艺”的高雅外衣下实施文化侵略的主旨与用意,探索在封闭残酷的高压统治之下,文化殖民带给中国现代文学史的深刻烙印和东北人民面对异族思想奴化时的智慧、血性和永不能扼杀的民族精神。 During the 14 years in which Japan occupied the northeast of China, the literature of the occupied enemy areas in northeast China struggled in the midst of misery and misery and prostrated itself in frustration and forbearance. This article comprehensively reviews and thoroughly examines the literature of the enemy-occupied areas in Northeast China from the multiple perspectives of theme vein, alienation feature, colonial nature and historical influence, and tries hard to reproduce the general situation of the fine Manchukuo literature in the Manchukuo area. Furthermore, Under the cruel high pressure seal, the cultural colonization brought a profound imprint on the history of Chinese modern literature and the northeast people’s wisdom, bloodyness and confrontation in the face of alien thought enslavement under the elegant coat of literature and art. National spirit that can never be stifled.
国家“十二五”规划中提出,要将文化产业发展成我国的支柱性产业。从《国家“十二五”时期文化改革发展规划纲要》,再到《文化部“十二五”时期文化产业倍增计划》可以看出,传媒文化发展空间正被逐步打开,而2012年是文化产业政策落实的一年。日前,财政部将文化体育与传媒2012年的支出预算定为493.84亿元,同比增长18.7%,文化传媒再获财政力挺。    政策利好 靴子纷纷落地     2012年3月28