裕禄对庚子事变的影响,是个长期以来未受重视的课题。这也难怪,在事变初期,他作为直隶总督虽主张过剿灭义和团,但人们并不认为他是主剿派;他后来虽向义和团下过跪,又为之打开了军械库,但人们一般也不承认其为主抚派。总之,他像个飘忽不定的影子,难以捉摸。 但若因此忽视了裕禄对庚子事变的影响也不客观。因为直隶是事变的中心地区,而裕禄毕竟是这里的总督。所以当时就有人评曰:“团祸初起时……独裕禄一人可以救之,而昏聩异软,卒酿大乱,一死诚不足以蔽辜也。”此论认定裕禄负有首要责任,似乎言过其实,但若深加思考,可信并不夸张。
The influence of Yu Lu on Geng Incident is a topic that has not been valued for a long time. It is no wonder that in the early days of the accident, though he had advocated the suppression of the Boxers as the governor of Zhili, people did not consider him the chief suppression; afterwards, although he kneeled down to the Boxers and opened an armory, people generally Do not recognize it as the main supporter. In short, he is like an erratic shadow, elusive. However, it is not objective to ignore the influence of Yu Lu on the incident of Boxer. Because Zhili is the center of the incident, and Yulu after all is the governor here. So at that time, some people commented: “When the accident started ... ... alone can save one person, and fainting is different, dying stuffed chaos, death is not enough to cover the crime too.” , It seems exaggerated, but if you think deeply, credible is not an exaggeration.