目的为改进复用穿刺针清洗效果,对比两种不同清洗流程方法对复用穿刺针的清洗效果,观察研究超声加酶清洗流程的优越性,确保无菌物品的灭菌质量。方法将回收来的可复用的骨穿针、腰穿针100根随机分成两组,对照组和实验组各50根。对照组清洗方法为常规预处理加手工清洗;实验组在常规预处理之后,将穿刺针置于全效多酶洗液中用超声清洗机以70~100 kHz频率清洗5 min。结果通过专业检测、目测及使用光源放大镜检查,对照组合格率84%,实验组合格率98%,两组比较经χ2检验差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论对于管腔狭小的穿刺针,消毒时在常规预处理清洗的基础上,采用多酶液预处理配合超声清洗,污渍残留清除彻底,清洗合格率高,能保证可复用穿刺针灭菌质量。
The purpose is to improve the cleaning effect of reusing needle and compare the cleaning effect of reusing needle with two different cleaning methods. Observe the superiority of ultrasonic adding enzyme cleaning process and ensure the sterilizing quality of sterilized goods. Methods Reusable bone puncture needle and lumbar puncture needle were randomly divided into two groups, 50 in control group and experiment group. The control group was cleaned by conventional pretreatment and manual cleaning. After the conventional pretreatment, the puncture needle was placed in the full-effect multi-enzyme wash solution and cleaned by ultrasonic cleaner at 70-100 kHz for 5 min. The results of professional testing, visual inspection and the use of light loupe examination, the control group of 84% pass rate, the experimental group pass rate of 98%, two groups compared by χ2 test difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion For the small puncture needle, when disinfecting, on the basis of conventional pretreatment cleaning, multi-enzymatic pretreatment combined with ultrasonic cleaning, thorough removal of stain residues, high cleaning qualified rate, can ensure the reusable needle sterilization quality .