审计人员经常外出工作,为了确保身体健康,以利工作,应该了解掌握一些自我保健卫生知识。下面我就介绍一些出差中容易发生的疾病和预防小常识,希望大家阅后,能从中受益。 感冒是常见病,多发病,一年四季都可能发生,尤以冬春季发病更多。由于四季气候不伺,以及病邪,患者体质各异,使其临床表现也有所不同,大体上可分为风寒感冒和风热感冒两大类。其中还可以有挟湿挟暑和体虚情况。
Auditors often go out to work, in order to ensure good health, in order to facilitate work, we should know some self-health knowledge. Now I will introduce some of the diseases that are easy to travel and prevent common sense. I hope all of you can benefit from reading this book. Cold is a common disease, frequently-occurring disease may occur throughout the year, especially in winter and spring onset more. As the seasons do not wait for the climate, as well as pathogenic evil, different patient constitution, so that their clinical manifestations are also different, in general, can be divided into two categories cold and flu cold and flu. Which can also rely on the wet recuperate summer and physical conditions.