In recent years, the Pabash Geological Corps has studied in detail the tectonic location and tectonic features and geological structure of ultramafic rocks in the census of chromite. More than 60 ultrabasic intrusions were identified, of which 10 were chromium. Petrochemical and geochemical studies show that the ultrabasic rocks that make up the chrome-bearing and chromium-free rocks belong to different genetic types. At present, the research on the ultrabasic rocks in the Zhongbobuzhye area can be divided into two types: the chrome-dunite-beryl (ultrabasic rock) (hereinafter referred to as chromium-bearing rock) and the chromium-free gabbro - Peridotite - dunite construction (hereinafter referred to as non-chromium construction). Chromic and chromium-free rock bodies have different tectonic positions, structures, compositions, chemical composition of rock-forming minerals and metallic minerals, petrochemical and geochemical characteristics. Can be used as a guideline for construction (see Table 1).