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上课时教授讲“WTO条款”,大家昏昏欲睡。为了醒瞌睡,教授使出看家本领,讲了个故事。一个在日本的中国留学生,课余为日本餐馆洗盘子以赚取学费。日本的餐饮业有一个不成文的行规,即餐馆的盘子必须用水洗上七遍。洗盘子的工作是按件计酬的,这个留学生计上心头,洗盘子时少洗一两遍。果然,劳动效率便大大提高,工钱自然也迅速增加。一起冼盘子的日本学生向他请教技巧。他毫不避讳,说: “你看,洗了七遍的盘子和洗了五遍的有什么区别吗?少洗两次嘛。”日本学生诺
Egusi seed shells (ESS) were used as precursor for the preparation of two activated carbons (ACs) following H3PO4 and ZnCl2 activation. The effect of factors co
Cinacalcet Hydrochloride (CIN) is a new calcimimetic agent indicated for the use in hypercalcemia. The present work is aimed at development and validation of a
The crystal structure of potential active 4-benzoyl-1,5-diphenyl-1H*-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile (C23H15N3O) (I) has been determined from single crystal X-ray diffr
The quantization thermal excitation isotherms based on the maximum triad spin number (G) of each energy level for metal cluster were derived as a function of te
The paper presents the results of studying graphite plastics based on heat-resistant polyamide by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), as well as the determination
[原文]男孩和树陕西省宝鸡市吴倩倩从前,有一棵树,他很爱一个男孩。(若能对“一棵树”的生长位置、“很爱”男孩的“原因”等做简要的交代会更好些。) 男孩也很爱这棵大树。
Nowadays, the material recycling is a growing trend in development of building materials and therefore using of secondary raw materials for production new build